Disquiet Pride
Ecology and LGBTQ podcasts, original broadcast productions, coming at you first from KZYX & Z Listener-Powered Community Radio for Mendocino County and Beyond:
The Ecology Hour
Disquiet on the Western Front
The Trail Stewards Radio Hour, with Co-host Paul Shulman
Pride Nation 101. with Co-host Roland Cory Medina
Tune in for politics, ecology, LGBTQIA+ issues, art, and activism. If you like these, please share me on to a friend!
And... big gratitude to KCXU San Jose--Engaging, Diverse, Community Voices; KMUD Garberville--Redwood Community Radio; and KAKX Mendocino--Student-Powered Radio.
Thanks also to the Cloud Forest Institute--www.cloudforest.org--for being our fiscal sponsor.
If you enjoy these shows, go to the Cloud Forest's site and drop me a donation! Thanks, Gracias, y Shukran b'zhef!
Disquiet Pride
Evan Mills, PhD on Residential Decarbonization--Kermit Was Right: It Ain't Easy Being Green: The Disquiet Voices Ecology Hour for December, 2023
Join Host Chad Swimmer and Disquiet's two interns, Vale Gauthier and Abilene Kamstra, as they delve into how to understand and mitigate your own personal and residential carbon footprint, with energy systems analyst and co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, Evan Mills, PhD.
We'll also talk to Matt Simmons, JD, about the workings of the California Board of Forestry.
Please link here to the powerpoint accompanying Evan Mills' talk.